Get Involved

You have no greater gift from God than that of your child. You have no greater privilege and responsibility than to raise this child that God has entrusted to you to be a disciple of Christ. As Jesus offered himself in sacrificial love on the cross, and as you offer your life in sacrificial love to your child, so it is your hope that your child may one day do the same and gain the reward of eternal life.

Thank you for opening your heart to Christ Jesus as you offer your child the gift of Catholic education where students encounter Christ, grow in knowledge, and become Christian witnesses of the truth of the Gospel. You are going to love our cooperative approach to education as we work hand in hand with families to bring the work God has begun to successful completion.

We want all families to become part of our tradition of Catholic education. It is the good people of our school community that make us strong.

Click below to read more about the ways you can support our school: