Uniform Policy & Purchasing



Hastings Catholic Schools uniforms with logos may be purchased at:


Business World

sample sizes and a limited in-shop inventory are available at 634 W 2nd St, Hastings, NE 68901 - Questions: (402) 463-9660


Small Town Famous

sample sizes are available at 733 W 2nd St, Hastings, NE 68901 - Questions: (402) 303-8653


Dennis Uniform

(School Codes - PM5 for St. Michael's and PG9 for St. Cecilia's)


Lands' End

(Preferred School Number - 900153255)





The primary responsibility for students being in the proper uniform rests with the parents. The administration and individual classroom teachers have the discretion to determine whether a student is in full compliance with the Student Dress and Uniform Policy. Students will be asked to remove any accessory that is distracting to learning. A student may be removed from class until such time as they are complying if the uniform infraction is not easily corrected.

Exceptions to the Student Dress and Uniform Policy are as follows:

Free Jean Days

  • Students may wear jeans, jean shorts, jean skirts, jean capris, jean dress with a shirt of their choice. (Please make sure shorts and skirts are appropriate length) If they do not want to wear jeans they can wear school uniform shorts/pants with a shirt of their choice. Jeans must be free of holes and modest in look.

Paid Jean Days

  • For $1-Students may wear jeans, jean shorts, jean skirts, jean capris, jean dresses with a shirt of their choice. (Please make sure shorts and skirts are appropriate length) If they do not want to wear jeans they can wear school uniform shorts/pants with a shirt of their choice. Jeans must be free of holes and modest in look.
  • For $2- Students may wear sweats/joggers with a shirt of their choice. They cannot wear gym shorts. Leggings or tight-fitting sweatpants/joggers are not permitted.


SCHOOL PICTURE DAY- Students are permitted to wear any modest clothing on school picture day, dress or casual. Jeans must be free of holes and modest in look.





  • Navy blue or beige-toned khaki dress pants only.
  • Pants should not have more than four pockets.
  • Look-alike jeans and cargo pants are not permitted.
  • Holes are not permitted.



  • Navy blue or beige-toned khaki shorts.
  • Cargo shorts are not permitted.
  • Shorts may be worn April 1st through October 31st.
  • Holes are not permitted.



  • White oxford cloth dress shirt.
  • White or royal blue polo shirt.
  • Royal blue polo shirts must be purchased through Business World or Small Town Famous and have the school logo.
  • White polo shirts may be purchased with or without the blue crest HCS logo. Logo’d shirts may be purchased through Business World or Small Town Famous.
  • Shirts may be long or short-sleeved and free of any company insignia.
  • Plain white unprinted t-shirts may be worn under the white or royal blue polo shirt or white oxford shirt.
  • The sleeves of the uniform shirt must be longer than the sleeves of the t-shirt worn underneath the white or royal blue polo shirt or white oxford shirt. Students with excessively short or long shirts will be asked to change.



  • Socks must be always worn.
  • Socks may contain a small appropriate logo.
  • Socks must be white, black, beige, gray or navy in color



  • Only the Hastings Catholic Schools heather blue (new fall 2024) from Small Town Famous or Business World only (to maintain consistent color), navy sweatshirt, navy fleece pullover, quarter zip navy pullover or navy jacket (purchased through Business World or Small Town Famous) may be worn in the classroom.
  • Students are required to wear a white or royal blue polo shirt or white oxford dress shirt under the HCS navy sweatshirt, navy fleece pullover, quarter zip navy pullover or navy jacket.


SHOES: Dress shoes or athletic shoes.


Grooming: Hair may be no longer than the top of the shirt collar and must be off the ears and out of the eyebrows. No bright coloring or ‘carved’ hairdos.  No visible tattoos or body art. No earrings or body piercings are allowed at school.




  • Dunbar plaid skirts, skorts, and jumpers must be purchased from Dennis Uniform Company.
  • Elementary school skirts/skorts/jumpers are solid navy blue or Dunbar plaid.
  • The skirt/skort/jumper must be modest in length. When a student is standing the length of their uniform must be at their fingertips or longer
  • Skirts/skorts may not be rolled at the waist.
  • Teachers and the administration have the discretion to determine if a skirt/skort/jumper is of appropriate length. When a student is standing the length of their uniform must be at their fingertips or longer.




  • White oxford cloth dress blouse or white or royal blue polo shirt.
  • Royal blue polo shirts must be purchased through Business World or Small Town Famous and have the school logo.
  • White polo shirts are not required to include the HCS logo.
  • Shirts may be long or short-sleeved and free of any company insignia.
  • Plain white unprinted t-shirts may be worn under the white or royal blue polo, or white oxford shirt.
  • The sleeves of the uniform shirt must be longer than the sleeves of the t-shirt worn underneath the white or royal blue polo or white oxford shirt. Students with excessively short or long shirts will be asked to change.


PANTS: Navy blue or beige-toned khaki pants only. Pants should not have more than four pockets. Skinny pants, jeggings, look a-like jeans, and cargo pants are not permitted. Pants must be hemmed.  Belts are recommended, but not required to be worn. Holes are not permitted.



  • Navy blue and beige-toned khaki shorts or capris.
  • Cargo shorts/capris are not permitted.
  • Shorts/capris may be worn April 1st through October 31st.
  • Holes are not permitted.


SHOES: Dress shoes or athletic shoes.



  • Socks must be always worn.
  • Socks may contain a small appropriate logo.
  • Socks must be white, black, beige, gray or navy in color


LEGGINGS: Elementary girls are permitted to wear navy leggings. Under their skirt or jumper.


  • Only the Hastings Catholic Schools heather blue (new fall 2024) from Small Town Famous or Business World only (to maintain consistent color), navy sweatshirt, navy fleece pullover, quarter zip navy pullover or navy jacket (purchased through Business World or SmallTown Famous) may be worn in the classroom.
  • Students are required to wear a white or royal blue polo shirt or white oxford dress shirt under the HCS navy sweatshirt, navy fleece pullover, quarter zip navy pullover or navy jacket.



Grooming: bright or unusually colored hair, visible tattoos, or visible piercings other than the ears (no more than two piercings per ear) are not permitted.





The purpose of the student dress and uniform policy is to create a consistent image for our students. Studies have shown that in schools where a student dress and uniform policy has been implemented, student behavior and level of professionalism in the classroom were significantly impacted, leading to a higher level of achievement.  The student dress and uniform policy also creates a sense of identity and belonging, as well as provides students with an opportunity to be witnesses to their Catholic beliefs.


The primary responsibility for students being in the proper uniform rests with the parents. However, students are mature enough to accept this responsibility and are asked to exercise their school spirit by adhering to the Student Dress and Uniform Policy. The Administration and individual classroom teachers have the discretion to determine whether a student is in full compliance with the Student Dress and Uniform Policy. Students will be asked to remove any accessory that is distracting to learning. A student may be removed from class until such time as they are in compliance if the uniform infraction is not easily corrected. Detention may be



All STC students are to carry their key cards on their person at all times.


Out Of Uniform Dress-Up – Students are expected to dress as follows on designated out of uniform dress-up days:

Girls: dress or outfit consisting of a skirt or slacks and blouse. Low cut dresses/blouses or dresses/blouses that have a portion of the back cut out are not permitted. Dresses and skirts must be modest in length and no shorter than 2-3 inches above the top of the knee. Teachers and the administration have the discretion to determine if a dress or skirt is of appropriate length.

Boys: button down shirt or polo with dress pants. A tie may also be worn.

Students may also dress in school uniform on designated out of uniform dress-up days.

Jeans Days - Students may wear any St. Cecilia t-shirt or St. Cecilia sweatshirt with blue jeans. The blue jeans must be made of denim, be clean and neat, without holes, and worn-thin areas. Skinny jeans, jeggings, and leggings which are made of spandex or Lycra or very stretchy knit fabric are not allowed.  Students wearing skinny jeans, jeggings, or leggings will be expected to change. 


Beneficiaries of jeans day collections will be announced by the principal on or before the day the funds are collected. Occasionally, sweatpants days will be announced by the principal.


BOYS 6-12

PANTS:  Navy blue or beige-toned khaki dress pants only.  Pockets must be inside the pants. Look-alike jeans or cargo pants are not permitted.  Pants must be hemmed. At the discretion of a teacher or Administration, a belt may be required to be worn.


SHORTS:  Navy blue and beige-toned khaki shorts only.  Cargo shorts are not permitted.  Shorts must be hemmed and within 2-3 inches of the top of the knee.  Shorts may be worn all year long; however, we request students use good judgement on cold weather days.


SHIRTS:  White oxford cloth dress shirt or white or royal blue polo shirt must be worn. White shirts are not required to have the crest logo included. Blue polo shirts must have the school logo embroidered or printed on the upper left chest and must be purchased through Business World, Small Town Famous, Land’s End(white only), or the One Stop Shop. Plain white polos and button up shirts may be purchased from any retailer. Shirts may be long or short-sleeved and must be free of any non-school insignia.  A plain white unprinted T-shirt may be worn under the white or royal blue polo or white oxford shirt. The sleeves of the uniform shirt must be longer than the sleeves of the t-shirt worn underneath the white or royal blue polo or white oxford shirt. Students wearing an excessively short or long shirt will be asked to change.


SOCKS:  Socks must be worn at all times and must be solid navy, black, or white in color.


SWEATSHIRT / FLEECE:  Only the HCS navy sweatshirt, heather blue sweatshirt offered by Business World and Small Town Famous, HCS navy fleece pullover, HCS navy cardigan sweater, HCS navy ¼ zip pullover (no hood or pouch pocket) or HCS navy jacket purchased through Business World, Small Town Famous or the One Stop Shop may be worn in the classroom. Students are required to wear a white or royal blue polo shirt or white oxford dress shirt under the STC navy sweatshirt, STC navy fleece pullover, STC navy sweater, or STC navy jacket.


SHOES:  Dress shoes or athletic shoes.


GENERAL: Grooming: Boys must be clean shaven.  Hair may be no longer than the top of the shirt collar and must be off the ears and out of the eyebrows.  Bright coloring or ‘carved’ styles, visible tattoos, body art, or drawings on the skin, earrings or body piercings are not allowed.


GIRLS 6-12


SKIRTS/SKORTS: Skirts or skorts must be purchased from Dennis Uniform Company. Middle and high school skirts/skorts are solid navy blue or Blackwatch plaid.  **Please note: as of the 2028-29 school year, that the Blackwatch (green plaid) will no longer be accepted as a uniform skirt.  Starting in the fall of 2028 all plaid skirts/skorts/jumpers for both St. Michael Elementary and St. Cecilia Middle & High School must be Dunbar plaid such as sold by Dennis Uniform Company. The skirt/skort must be modest in length and no shorter than 2-3 inches above the top of the knee. Teachers and the administration have the discretion to determine if a skirt/skort is of appropriate length. Skirts/skorts may not be rolled at the waist. Boots may not be worn with a uniform skirt/skort.


BLOUSES/POLOS:  White oxford cloth blouse or white or royal blue polo shirt must be worn. Blue polo shirts must have the school logo embroidered or printed on the upper left chest and must be purchased through Business World, Small Town Famous, Land’s End(white only), or the One Stop Shop.  Including the HCS Crest logo on the white polos or button up shirts is optional.  Plain white polos may be purchased from another vendor. Shirts may be long or short-sleeved and must be free of any non-school insignia.   A plain white unprinted T-shirt may be worn under the white or royal blue polo or white oxford cloth blouse. Brightly colored sports bras should not be visible under the white polo shirt or white oxford cloth blouse.  The sleeves of the uniform shirt must be longer than the sleeves of the t-shirt worn underneath the white or royal blue polo or white oxford shirt. Students wearing an excessively short or long shirt will be asked to change.


PANTS:  Navy blue or beige-toned khaki pants only. Pockets must be inside the pants. Skinny pants, jeggings, leggings, look a-like jeans and cargo pants are not permitted.  Pants must be hemmed.  At the discretion of a teacher or Administration, a belt may be required to be worn.

SHORTS/CAPRIS: Navy blue and beige-toned khaki shorts or capris.  Cargo shorts/capris are not permitted.  Shorts/capris must be hemmed and the length of the shorts must be within 2-3 inches of the top of the knee. Shorts/capris may be worn all year long; however, we request students use good judgement on cold weather days.


SHOES:  Dress shoes or athletic shoes. Boots may not be worn with a skirt or skort.


SOCKS:  Socks must be worn at all times and must be solid navy, black, or white in color. Plain navy or black tights (purchased locally) or navy leggings purchased from Land’s End may also be worn.


SWEATSHIRT / FLEECE:  Only the HCS navy sweatshirt, heather blue sweatshirt offered by Business World and Small Town Famous, HCS navy fleece pullover, HCS navy cardigan sweater, HCS navy ¼ zip pullover (no hood or pouch pocket) or HCS navy jacket purchased through Business World, Small Town Famous or the One Stop Shop may be worn in the classroom. Students are required to wear a white or royal blue polo shirt or white oxford dress shirt under the STC navy sweatshirt, STC navy fleece pullover, STC navy sweater, or STC navy jacket.


GENERAL:  Grooming: bright or unusually colored hair, visible tattoos or drawings on the skin, visible piercings other than the ears (no more than two piercings per ear), and large dangly earrings are not permitted, light or minimal make-up may be worn.



Food is not to be eaten in the hallways or left in lockers. Gatorade, water, and juice are available for purchase in the cafeteria at lunch time and may be kept in a student’s locker for consumption after school.


Drinks, other than water, are not allowed in the classroom.  Students may have water in a clear, non-colored, plastic water bottle during the school day with the permission of their teacher.


Containers that are not made of clear plastic, or are made of colored plastic or other material, are not permitted.